Story: J.P. Oliver’s Safe Harbor, book four of the Castle Harbor series is probably my most favorite in the series. Safe Harbor is about Tyson, the resort construction team’s foreman who’s suffering in silence for his big problem: alcohol abuse; but this time around he’s determined to keep on trying to keep it under control. When we goes out one night with his crew (under peer pressure for sure), it’s when we meet the sweet and talented chef, Alex, who also is suffering in silence: he hasn’t properly mourn the death of his father so he has worked non stop in their cafe, leaving him no room for having life. When these two meet, fireworks go off and the chemistry, along with the hot as heck attraction is undeniable. This story is about two broken men, battling their demons alone, when all they need to do is reach out to one another and fight their demons together.

Performance: I’ve listened to Austin Jay’s narration and would like to comment that his Tyson impersonation was sexy! I guess I’m a sucker for the raspy, gruff voice and he nailed it (lol). He’s done a good job differentiating between the MCs and I always appreciate that.

Overall: 5 stars for Safe Harbor, not just for the story and performance, but for JP Oliver’s knack for a good plot and story, especially when he involves real life situation such as loss of a loved one and alcohol abuse. You can relate to his characters. and with that said, Safe Harbor has all the elements of a great mm romance; happy listening all!