I grabbed this on release day because I consistently enjoy CF White & Piers Ryman. I also love age gap & unique tropes – CIRCUS! I’m thankful for other reviews that pointed out this was slow burn – because I saved it for a day when that’s what I was in the mood for.

Darius is turning 40 and while he thoroughly enjoys his life with Godeaux’s Travelling Circus, he pines for something more permanent in his personal life. He’s also quite the grump. While Charlie is in his early 20s, he’s definitely not a sunshine either. White really lets us get to know these two characters and their history and readers see how their lives actually intersected long before they met. I got to know and love Charlie’s family and the Godeaux “found family” which really helped with understanding the MCs better.

Once they get together (about 70% mark) – it gets pretty steamy, but they still struggle to communicate well on what they each want and need in life and from each other. Obviously – ROMANCE! – they do finally work it out. I liked the epilogue in terms of Darius & Charlie’s relationship, and while not a cliffhanger it did kind of open the door to more story.

Note: White commented on another review that she IS continuing Darius & Charlie’s story in a serial on her website called, “Encore!”. Chapter 1 is even in audio. (also, if like me you find it when you need a little more caffeine in your system, scroll down to the bottom & read “up” or you’ll end up reading chapter 2 before you listen to chapter 1.)


I again enjoyed Piers Ryman’s performance. I really liked his growly, grumbly voice for Darius. He did a good job with all the other voices as well. It was easy to listen to and kept the various characters consistent in my mind.