Let me start off by telling you i have read A LOT of books. So my review is possibly heavily influenced by such…

Honestly i just can’t get on board the happy train when it comes to this series…

As a quick introduction.. the plot is about a engineer who gets roped into a spaceship test flight, accidents occur and he ends up surviving on a planet. After this he gets captured by slavers and then we go through about half the book doing nothing… then near the end its a different location with new people doing the same thing….

I honestly can not understand how this book gets such high reviews. Am i too jaded? probably. i have now read three of these books and i feel…..let down. Have you ever read a children’s book? You know how the author goes to EXTREME lengths for the bad guys to never hurt people especially the main character or visa-versa? well that is this book series in a nutshell. Honestly if you removed all the text in the book about people dying this WHOLE SERIES could be rated PG and in the young adult section! the plot is way to contrived, the MC learns nothing from past experiences.

In summary, if you like reading young adult books with plot so thin you can see through it, and bad things never happen then i suggest you buy this book and the rest in the series.