‘Misdemeanor’, a grittily heartfelt tale of perseverance and love, is the first book of CF White’s ‘Responsible Adult’ series. At the start of the book, Micky is struggling to juggle school, a job and care for his special needs brother after a life filled with abuse and tragedy. In his 19 years, he has learned the hard lesson that self-reliance equals self-preservation and shuts out any resource that might help him build a better life for himself and Flynn.
When Micky takes a job at the up-market grocery store where Dan is a manager, the attraction they feel for one another is instant. Micky, having no previous experiences with healthy relationships, resists Dan’s attempts at lessening the burdens Micky has been carrying alone. Will Micky finally let down his defenses to allow Dan into his heart?
This book delivers some of my favorite tropes. Micky’s story has a bit of a coming-of-age-ness about it. White provides both Dan and Micky with some wonderful character development. The slow-build of their relationship makes sense given Micky’s past. White brings forth just the right amount of angst; it’s not artificial or overwrought. With adorable little Flynn added to the mix, there is a single-dad vibe that I find particularly lovely. This story has me feeling all the feels.
I’m looking forward to Book 2, but I find the cliffhanger ending in this book to be utterly unnecessary. The book is excellently written and doesn’t call for such a blatant attempt to attract readers to the rest of the series. (This is a pet peeve of mine; gotta call it out.)
Piers Ryman’s narration is excellently performed. His interpretation of the deeply emotional aspects of White’s storytelling is brilliant.
This audiobook was given to me as a ARC, at my request, and I am now voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Highly recommended.