In a work where prison and justice is not a possibility the MC tries to go PC putting his own value above others. He thinks if he kills anyone he’s not a good man. That killing instantly makes him bad. He even considers the thieves he let’s go might go rape, rob and murder others. Which is fine, hes good then but not if he kills them. He cares more how he views himself in his moral light than actually protecting people. Letting murderers go free just to make himself feel better. People who were trying to kill him so they are willing to kill strangers. That isn’t moral or good in that world, that a just dooming others to suffer because he thinks it makes his hands unclean. Which If anything makes him evil, we all and cowardly for not going the distance for the morals he claims.

so if you dislike emo heroes who whine about being good or evil and not wanting to kill bad people. This isnt the series for you. If you want one where the hero tries to redeem evil scum who go on to kill hundreds because the MC valued the lives or murdering cultist or thieves over innocent people,this could be a good read.