I really tried. I really really tried. The story seems fine but the humor falls blank with the narrators. Going to be returning this one.

Kafer sounds like an insurance attorney reading stereo instructions. Then again, he reads this way in every book and it’s ruined some for me if the story wasn’t good. And this one isn’t. Very clipped, monotone, and drab with the same voice for every character.

Zeller on the other hand reads each line like is a breathy romance novel for middle aged housewives. Seriously, almost every line is red as if it’s internal thoughts of a middle aged widow while staring out of a window drinking chamomile tea. Her male voices sounding like a 10 year old boy imitating their dad. You can almost hear her fists pumping in marching fashion in front of her chest as she over deepens her voice to read the male lines. Switching between these two each chapter leaves the listener hearing the same character with a vastly different voice and cadence depending on who is reading. Annoying at best.

Get someone good like RC Bray or Mark Boyett to read it and you may have a winner.