This book isn’t very exciting. The premise is a GM of DnD game gets put in his own campaign. He then decides he “just wants to tag along”.

So for the first few HOURS of the book it is just him walking behind everyone and talking to himself in his head going “Hmmm I wonder how they will handle this!?” over and over… Then finally something exciting happens!!! Well, then it is ruined because the party is stupid, like dumber than a 5th grader stupid. So the MC decides to save them by giving them some life saving info so they wont die and have a party wipe. Then after he saves their lives and earns them hundreds of gold…. they are ungrateful dicks and continue to treat him like their btch (not exaggerating on that) and he just takes it like one. They treat the wolf pup better than him, to his face and he just goes “OK”……… Sigh. The MC then continues to be lame and mediocre for the next 4 hours, the side characters are STILL annoying as all hell, not to mention uninteresting and dumb (like just do dumb things for no logical reason and even contradictory to common sense), and at about 9ish hours in I just stopped listening because it is so boring.

I really feel that this was someones real life and not that great DnD game that they decided to turn into a book. At no point in this book was I worried about the group, did I feel like they had something they needed to overcome. They either steamrolled through situations or acted like idiots just so that the MC could show how “useful” he is by giving them inside information. It feel like the Author in those situations purposefully dumbed down the party members so that the MC could “shine”. If you want to read a story that has actual adventure, this isn’t it. There is never a sense of danger because the MC can just give the answer. Hard pass on this, I will be getting my credit back.