It would take a thousand words to explain but here are some highlights of my frustration with this series. Unimportant things are overexplained and important concepts are glossed over. The book breaks quite a few “rules” of LITRPGs but doesn’t explain the mechanics or why. There are some novel and fun aspects of the story but the development of these is tediously slow and underused. Battle scenes are repetitive and predictable with the twist and turns only being unexpected because of a “rule” breaking reason that is not well explained. RPG or MMO gamers will find the combat painful as there are a lot of inconsistencies.
I love this genre but this one is just a hard listen for me. I do very much want to know where the story goes but I can’t bring myself to purchase the third book, maybe I’ll come back to the series after a break.
Lasty, Mr. Jeff Hays, you are one of my favorite readers but the only way I can make sense of the choice for Miller’s voice is that you lost a bet where the consequence was that you would perform an entire character as a slow Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is so incredibly bad that I actually cringe every time he speaks. Still love you though, keep up the “other” good work!
Review from War Aeternus: The Beginning →