Main characters are one dimensional, shallow and inconsistent. There are very few internal conflicts. Their emotions seem disconnected to any consistent traits. People they care for die and life just goes on like nothing happened. And for the most part they really aren’t good people. They do things that are completely out of character and are pretty much all sociopaths. I liked the main character until he started to do things that did fit who he had been up to then and after a while I just didn’t like him. There are very few surprises in the book. The narrator was so slow I sped him up to 1.4 partly because he needed to be and partly because I needed to get to the end. The premise is interesting. I enjoyed that and I just have to finish a story I start unless it’s is horrible which this wasn’t. But it also wasn’t good. I can’t figure out why the main character stayed around the other main characters with there wonton disregard for life or honesty. It was a complete clash. I’m trying not to spoil anything. But I still don’t know why the main character would resist the advances of the island women to save himself for a specific woman just to completely abandon that the second book with his best friends wife. Sorry. I spoiled it. But it makes no sense. And story lines and people just die for no real reason. Like the author was going somewhere and gave up. I almost gave it a three because I actually finished it but now that I’ve written this I just can’t.