FYI: This book’s original title was The Bachelor Preferred Pastry.

I just couldn’t get into this book. It started off okay but I didn’t like the female main character almost immediately and the male main character wasn’t very likable either. From the moment we are supposed to think the heroine driving irresponsibly is a positive character trait that demonstrates strength and independence, I knew this story might not be for me. The dialogue seemed forced, like it was supposed to be “cute”, but instead, it fell flat. The story took turns I wasn’t expecting but not in the “pleasantly surprised” way. I was expecting a “fun” romance based on the description, but all the fun was sucked out of the premise very early on.

Spoiler: The hero doesn’t go along with the heroine’s initial plan, which would have been fine had the story went down a fun, interesting road from there, but it didn’t.

The motivations of the characters seemed contrived. And there was too much subplot interjected into the story. I started skipping the parts with the heroine’s parents and the hero’s family drama. It wasn’t engaging and added nothing to the story.