The best way to describe Favor of the Gods was as if Means Girls met up with Greek mythology.

Medusa is staring at a new high school and without even trying to, she made enemies with the most powerful girl at her school- as well as her clique- all over the affections of an unknowing boy.

I usually don’t read short stories, which this is at roughly 60 pages and 1 hour as an audiobook, but I thought the idea for this was really unique and interesting and I am always a sucker for Greek mythology.

Overall this seemed like a great idea, but I wanted more. There was just the start of world building, and just the start of developing characters, but there was not enough time for a whole lot more than starts. I would love for Ali to expand this into a full length book, I would read that in a heart beat. I think that Ali has an engaging writing style and I will for sure check out other books from her. The audiobook narrator did a really good job trying to give the characters personality, while mixing the Greek-ness and teen attitude perfectly.