The MC is said to be smart, but sees nothing coming and constantly acts below average. Complains, talks about wanting to be a mage and being smarter then other people. Whines about what he should feel guilty about and how serious he is about things while just standing there examining things when he’s in danger. Literally doing nothing while someone yells at him to run because… he doesn’t really want to start that story he whines for? Is just not that great an MC given his position/story potential? He talks about studying and prepping for years for a ritual/process that he just goes through without mentioning or thinking about the typically HUGE and IMPORTANT part that decides everything. It was skipped, he acts surprised that the guy who giving the evil eye and supposed to do it pretends the results were bad. After they have disabled him for the process. A neutral guy who was there the whole time and totally could have helped is never made aware, the MC was just quiet.