Sorry if the book was for adults I would not say anything about the LGBT stuff. Please leave kids alone and let them learn from their families or from a respectable adult instead of an author who thinks they know better for someone’s child. I forgot why I was putting off this series. I bought it and low and behold I remembered what a wimp the MC is. Not only a wimp but an arrogant wimp who believes they have the answer for everything and can just cruise through anything and then cry and talk about their emotional struggles for their failures that he forgets rather quickly then does again. Knows he can be brought back to life in another body so he treats his friend Zerob with reckless abandon and jumps into a known trap and Zerob dies. He barely reflects on the fact and the fact that he just killed the father of Faith’s child. The MC is such a piece of crap but is treated with reverence as to be beyond belief. I bought this book and I’ll take it on the chin this time. Dawn, if you get to this portion of my review, I want you to know that I liked how the story went together (except the LGBT) but your MC was to unreal for me. Definitely not the hero type as he tries to save the whole human race and was such a piece of crap to his friends while he cried at every turn. Not sure how many men can put up with that. Maybe you ladies can but it causes a gagging reflex as far as I’m concerned.