I spent a bit more time being annoyed with the MC in this one. He’s coming off more and more condescending as he grows more powerful. He makes some questionable decisions, and whines a bit more than I would like. I don’t necessarily disagree with his decisions, but he manages to irritate me while he makes them. Lol

I’ve noticed since book 1, that there is a recurring loop in this story as well. Allistor and team meet a new group of people, help them with their problem, usually by killing something/someone for them, then the group agrees to join Allistor. Every time, there is at least one token person who has a cow and refuses to join/follow Allistor. They are then swiftly dealt with, usually permanently. It was especially obnoxious in this instance for reasons that I won’t disclose to keep from “spoiling” it. But if you’ve read the first books, you’ve probably noticed this pattern already. I didn’t keep a tally, but I think that scenario played out at least 4 times in the first two books. Lol.