It would be an understatement if I said that this book was my most anticipated audiobook for the last year. It’s also not surprising that I download it at the moment it became available and put in a marathon session to finish it. At this point in the series, anybody interested in the book has already listened to the preceding five books. As such, this is who I am writing this review for. We already know that Dungeon Drawler Carl is amazing, well written and well voice acted series. So where does the Bedlam Bride stand in relationship to the other books in the series? I can’t say that it is the best book in the series. From a story point of view it’s probably number three. But as for character development and plot advancement, it is clearly the most important book in the series yet. The consequences of nearly every action taken by the characters to this point, comes into play or culminates in this book. The chaos that Carl unleashes at the closing of floor 8 drastically outstrips the manic conclusion of book 5. The concept of cards based combat is perfectly executed, and understandable. My only regret from this book is a distinct lack of interaction with Pony. Of course, the inclusion of Patrick Warburton as Carl’s estranged dad more than compensation for any disappointment I felt from the lack of Pony. Matt has constructed what must truly be one of the most complicated SciFi/Fantasy worlds in the last 30 years. The voice talent of Jeff Hayes remains stellar and one of the most endearing aspects of the series. Hard decisions are made, heartstrings are pulled, and at least one key character meets their demise. What more could you ask for in a single audiobook? Now the count down begins for book 7!!!