Firstly, hats off to the author for writing so many books. It’s not easy and he has consistent stories. However, I thought for sure the author was at least 60 (and the books written in the 80s) based on the type of ‘humor’ and the perspective on women. It was only a reference to “social media” in one story, and a google of the author’s age, that forced me to accept otherwise.
I admit, even as a lover of all things sci-fi and post-apocalyptic (previously, at least), I don’t read TONS of modern male authors (putting aside Martin, and the less ‘current’ Tolkien and all the fantasy/sci-fi greats) so I wasn’t prepared for so many references to ‘tits’ and their pseudonyms. The perspective on what women are like seemed shallow and antiquated. In one town (that I can only describe as trying mock “woke” people) there is a female villain who screams so ridiculously, that I had to finally turn off the audio book.
I sincerely tried to muscle through, but it was a slog. Not always, these stories certainly had a few interesting points, but they were just not my taste. Loved the dog, the armored vehicle, and some of the sci-fi aspects like mutants and plant people.
I don’t usually leave negative reviews, but I feel like the women may want to save this one for the man-childs. I am impressed these have so many stars on Amazon.