Ok, so my headline doesn’t leave much room for critique and shows my cards before I start to leave a review. Franklin did an amazing job bringing this series back to life and in a grand way.
This was the 2nd post-apocalyptical series I read and a standard I hold reading or listening to with others attempts at prepper books. It was just that good. But moving Mad Mick forward and Locker Nine, this series got left behind. Bringing Jim, Lloyd and the crew back at this time and hearing Kevin’s voice was like visiting old friends and a needed read.
We pick up with Jim and his valley still having issues after the last book’s main point. Jim is still not a welcome face and feels the burden of leadership and being wanted.
Jim wants to get away from life, to let the heat die down, and to clear his head. After what we are all suffering with during COVID lockdowns and this summer filled with riots and looting, who would want to do that. His best friend and the most Anti-Jim member of his crew decides to go with him on his getaway.
This is where the magic kicks in, the storytelling Franklin shows us, or better yet puts into words for us, the feelings each of us has right now. We just want to be left alone, to not deal with big government, and be self-sufficient. Throw in the leeches, music, and banter and you have a classic.
I can’t rate this book high enough. I really enjoyed it and don’t really mind seeing 3 or 4 more in this series now.
Review from Blood And Banjos →