This audiobook was recommended to me by a friend. I don’t usually listen to audiobooks and this is the first time I am actually leaving a review. I don’t consider myself a qualified critic, nonetheless I can relay my personal experience of this book here and perhaps it will help someone. That being said, this book is about addiction, primarily recovering from addiction, a subject that I closely identify with. I thought it was masterfully presented both by the author and the narrator, both of whom seemed to closely identify with the subject matter as well. The author writes in a very clear and straightforward manner, which I appreciate. The story is well-organized with several very interesting and pleasant plot twists. He’s clever and articulate without being showy or pompous (a characteristic I’ve noticed about many writers). I will definitely be reading more of Rick R. Reed’s work. Like I said previously, I don’t listen to alot of audiobooks, but if every audiobook had narration like this I would probably listen more. In the past I have found most narrators to be wooden, uninterested in what they are reading, and basically phoning it in. This was not the case here. David Allen Vargo was invested in every single word, thought, and intent of the author. He had clearly done his homework and gave a fantastic performance in every character portrayal. This was not a narration, or a reading. This was truly a performance and as I lay in bed with my earbuds in listening to him, it was like he was right by my side, telling me the story with warmth and genuine care. I’m now a super fan of both the author and the narrator. I’ll be back for more.