I have to say I’ve had this book downloaded and ready to listen to for months, being hesitant to do so. Why I don’t know. Probably due to the fact that I’m so used to Horton’s PA fiction. This was a revelation. Franklin Horton has a pulse on the culture and what makes a true thriller. This was amazing! To say it hit every emotional heartstring is an understatement. You have terrorists who play on the emotions of an unstable young man through gaming, using the social media pictures of a vulnerable teenage girl to basically trap him. What happens is a cascading horror. It is a nail biter from start to finish.
Horton happens upon everything that is a person’s worst nightmare about social media, immersing in gaming, and how easy it is to think that that world is real. And distinguishing between the two worlds is nearly impossible. And when the worlds collide, disaster is the only thing that is inevitable. Bravo. This is a real work. I really hope Horton goes down this road again. It’s not explored enough. Naturally Kevin Pierce is brilliant. Not enough good things can be said about his work.