This is a sexy story. Full of passion and grit, with a beautiful romance. Beast belongs to the Kings of Hell MC, and lives his life in darkness, after suffering horrendous burns to his once beautiful face, and wishes to find someone who will love him again. Laurent, centuries before, is an indentured servant who only wishes to be a free man, and to enjoy the secret desire he harbors for men. But his wish is fulfilled in the most treacherous way, and he takes a decision that will send him to the future and to Beast with a mission. There’s so much to like about this story, Beast is such an appealing character, with such a vulnerability hidden by his muscles and growl, and a deep yearning for the angelic Laurent, who seems like the answer to his darkest prayer. Laurent is beautiful, tender hearted and naive, endearingly innocent about the new world he lives in, and isn’t sure how to react to Beast, but their attraction jumps off the page and the passion is explosive. The paranormal element adds a horror movie flavor to the book, and sets the stage for the next book in the series. This is a fun read, and there are no one dimensional goody-two-shoes heroes, all the characters are flawed but extremely attractive and I loved every page. Joel Leslie is magnificent and makes Laurent come alive with his lovely French accent and his uncertainty and naivete, while perfectly hitting every emotional tone required for the scenes and making the intimate moments scorching hot. I loved his performance, he is one of the greatest actors I’ve ever heard.