New major plot evidence and settings keep this series from growing stale. I like where J.S. Morin is taking the overall story arc, and I like that each book finishes some part of the story even as it opens new avenues to explore. This one certainly does both. There’s a satisfying ending but at the same time a whole new can of worms is opened up and I’m looking forward to the next in the series.

There’s still an innocence here that really could make this suitable to be in the YA realm, but without the cloying “twilight bullshit” that you see rampant in those books. Overall this was a good read.

I’m not a huge fan of the narrator, but have no specific complaints. Listen to the preview. If it works for you, awesome. He does a good enough job. If you’ve read the others in the series you know what you’re going to get.