Problems? yes. Big ones. Annoying ones. I’ll give you an example. The Men In Black movies (with Will Smith). One thing that sucks really bad about those movies is how Will Smiths character fights. Off his back. Constantly. All the time, every time. It is really, REALLY bad unless you’re a sorta empty headed normie. That is how Salem fights.
This guy has an AI in his head. Tech add-ons that could literally make me king of this world. Insane weapons, skills, and other abilities that should make him nearly unbeatable.

But in this series he is the MOST BEATABLE person in the whole thing. It’s not good. More than that. I’m trying not to return the last 2 installments. I won’t I think. And that’s because even though the MC is a complete dunce it’s still an interesting world. I’m just hoping that at some point Salem is FINALLY given some agency. Idk. Man…. So annoying. Just please stop with this ridiculous way he “fights.” Actually let him BE formidable. jeez.