excellent start for a promising series. how often do you consider how to prepare, or what you would do, in case of an EMP event that plunged the Hemisphere into total darkness. Would you be mentally and emotionally prepared to protect yourself and your family from thugs and others coming for your food or survival possessions? Bobby Akart provides many thought-provoking events and informative scenes – in all of his titles; worth reading or listening to. And Kevin Pierce lends his masterful narration, with outstanding and timely vocal inflection and emphasis, to keep you listening and on-track with little to no distraction. The only issue I had with this was what seemed to be a sidetrack building fire event early on which took up too much filler of this one; although it necessarily sets up relationships with some main characters, it seemed to distract from the main theme kick-off. however after that part the story really gets moving though it ended all too soon. on to Book two!