First off, J. S. Morin’s writing skills are excellent Mikael Naramore narration was superb. I was also intrigued by the premise that mixing science and magic were essentially opposing forces with magic usage having the additional negative effect of making thing based on physics go haywire when used around it. The author also picked an eclectic bunch of misfits crewing the Mobius which worked well in the beginning episodes of this series but eventually became somewhat stale as the episodes moved on. To Morin’s credit, it seemed that he realized this and made adjustments to the crew throughout the series.

Regrettably, most of the episodes proved not to be at that intriguing and fell into somewhat of a repeating formula, even though the circumstances differed. Again, to Morin’s credit, it seemed that he sensed this and worked to transition Carl the bumbling grifter to Carl the caring grifter. There were also several areas left dangling like knowing how much of Mort went to the great beyond versus staying behind among others and one section that was never explained; that of how magic came about in the first place.

Note: I also agree with one reviewer that the chapter sound effects were an unwelcome distraction.