A magical Oliver Twist. Two twins are separated and inside of the Foster Care system, and not the good side of the Foster Care system, which is the part that always gets highlighted anyway. This book is meant for young readers, but there’s enough complexity of plot and character development for adults to find satisfying as well, and to stretch the mind of young readers. Some of the decisions the characters made weren’t the brightest, but that is expected both for young main characters and characters in fantasy in general. This journey alternates between the two characters as you follow their journey, and their desire of being reunited with each other, as well as their mother and father, whom they can’t understand why they had abandoned them. They find themselves immersed in a magical world with dragons and lots of fantastic characters. Some of their questions are answered, and they’re able to save the day, but their adventures are far from over. I look forward to checking out the rest of the series. It does have a few characters who claim to be Christians painted in a bad light, because they’re not really followers, only people who claim to be, then treat other people as less.
The audio book was done really well.
Review from Twins of Orion: The Book of Keys →