Fade to Black
The Weir Chronicles, Book 1
By: Sue Duff
Narrated by: Christopher J Mayer
This is an audible book I requested and the review is voluntary.
I really liked this paranormal book about an illusionist, but his secret is that they are not illusions. He does magic. Then off stage he does help those in need. Unfortunately, a nosy gal is on to him and has figured out he is the one helping people. She didn’t know how deep things really went until she started poking around.
A very good and exciting book with fantasy, magic, action, adventure, danger, suspense, and a touch of romance thrown in too. A great story.
The narrator made the book really "POP". Not only could he do all the strange voices but he had to do several women’s voices and many of them with foreign accents. LOL. He did them perfect and I didn’t stop to think at the time that it was a man doing the voices. It was only later I thought how hard that must have been. Great job.