The Black Flame is soon to pass into history. The criminal gang is inexorably being hunted down by Mace and friends. The last of the vermin will be Garya, the leader of the Black Flame and the suspected owner of an artifact Mace needs to complete a quest for his master. Mace’s forces have been augmented by the Drow assassins guild in the city of Graf. An alliance has been made to benefit both parties once the Black Flame has been eliminated from Graf. Mace can build a guildhall here, among other structures, to maintain a presence in the city. The major portion of this volume revolves around Mace and Shari developing their capital city in their new kingdom; aka kingdom building. Oh yes, dreams and intentions have reached a pinnacle. A small town or city is unacceptable for Mace and his loyal followers. No less than a kingdom will fit the bill for Mace’s plans for Elysia and the remaining Outworlders. Not much development in syncing their consciousness and uploading to the game world. That plotline is being saved for the next volume. So much excitement and entertainment are packed into this volume. I don’t think I could write it all down, even if I wanted to. A great addition to the series. I’m itching for volume four.