DNF 75%

This book was “low angst” because nothing ever happened and the characters never changed or went through any real conflict. I do not like big world-ending disasters in my books, but I do want there to be something, to drive the plot forward. It could have been a mystery or a character conflict or a will-they-won’t-they, but this book basically gave us “healthy couple sometimes feels sad in a fairly standard sugary fantasy land” which just isn’t enough to make a book. If you’re here for something that will numb your brain for a while (which is, I know, what some people are after) then this will do the trick. If you’re looking for characters to identify with, creative or rich world building, court intrigue, passionate romance, interesting dialogue, or really any plot you won’t find that in this book.

The plot summary is, in my opinion, misleading about the tone of the book. Clearly some people were into this one but it was REALLY not my cup of tea. Two stars because it didn’t actively make me angry and because it did keep me going until about 75% thinking something might happen, so there must have been something there that wasn’t dead dull.