Between his ( Tom Dugan Series ) and this series (The Complete Disruption Trilogy ). I don’t know which one I love more. He makes his characters so real that we feel as if we know them personally. Wonderful writer and storyteller. Awesome imagination and he has a real great way to pull you into the stories. The narrater was good too but loved the narrater of the Tom Dugan Series better because of his ability to do so many different accents and you knew who they were with out his telling you who was speaking. I believe it would have been very hard for him to read this book the same way. With so many different people, accents , and having to change so often to a different voice I believe it would have been almost impossible.
But Kevin Pierce did a great job of making this story come to life. I look forward to any additional books that McDermott adds to these series. I highly recommend both of these series. Please write more !!!
Review from The Complete Disruption Trilogy: Books 1 – 3 →