Zeph and River dated for a hot minute when they were younger. And then the MMA called and asked Zeph to join them. So he left. River is a drag Queen. And he’s bringing his shoe to Las Vegas. They need a security guard with them so in walks Zeph. There is still something there between the 2 of them. They decide to spend the 10 of the trip together. There’s lots of sexy times. River received some flowers that he thought were from Zeph but they weren’t. River has a stalker. Zeph had a traumatic upbringing. He ends up telling River about everything that happened to him. It was heartbreaking. As the 2 get closer Zeph starts to panic. He’s afraid something will happen to River since all the other people in his life are gone. I really liked this one! More than book 1. I loved the chemistry between the 2 characters. There is some drama/angst. Joel Leslie is amazing. I could listen to him read anything. He has a way of making you feel when you’re listening to him.