Ok, whew!! Intense action, great Prepper tips, fantastic storyline and Kevin Pierce’s Narration. What more could an audiobook fan ask for?

Starting with Grace Hardwick and her best friend Zoe traveling home using her dad, Robert Hardwick’s travel plans complete with necessary food, gear and places to safely recover. This is the best book series I’ve ever seen for the “active” safety of females on the road. The hardest thing anyone in this country will deal with will most likely be the shock of what’s happening, how short a time it will take for chaos to begin and how long it will take for the country to recover. Because of that, many will make unnecessary mistakes that can prove life threatening. Everyone should really take a good long look at what happened during and even years after Katrina…maybe follow the timelines of a specific couple of families. Many of them had to entirely relocate and truly start over with absolutely nothing but the clothes on their backs.

I think the worst part of the series was just how faulty all the females “aim” proved to be, no matter how well trained. I wish Grace and Thom’s relationship had progressed further so I hope to hear more about them in the Mad Mick Series. My two absolute favorite characters are Mad Mick and Brandon Barton. Least favorite, Thom’s mother Sonyea. Reason: she never really seemed to learn that if you absolutely have to fight you don’t hit then stand back to see if what you did will make the person give-up!! It’s a lesson she had to have learned while helping Thom recover from his injuries!! You have to push well beyond a person’s personal idea of their limits, that’s how people progressively heal instead of getting to a certain place, then stopping, satisfied with waaaayyy less than they could actually achieve. Loved her heart though.

Best sentiment…deal with the problem Now, because what you don’t take care of comes back to bite you harder later!!
Ok, enough said!