If you’re a fan of paranormal AND RH this book is definitely for you. This is not a slow burn. The MC know pretty fast what and who she wants…. Why choose!!

Lucy Bryant is not the typical vampire heroine we usually find in this genre. Forget black and leather, hello bright, colorful and girly clothes with a touch of peace and love!!! What’s more she’s a tattoo artist that can tattoo another vampire and make the ink stay… how refreshing!!!!

What’s not to like about this serial? NOTHING we get multiples POV from Lucy and her men (Sloane, Hollis and Vex), a heroine who is sweet and lovin but when needs be… deadly. A good story with suspense, romance and funny banter between her men. And we didn’t have to wait too long for the full book… thank you K.B. Ladnier!!

If like me your time is limited or travel a lot, the Audible format is really good. It was my first experience with Sarah Puckett work as narrator. She did a pretty good job with the MC and all the other characters.