Hush will for sure be part of my Top Reads of 2019 when they end of the year rolls around, I loved this story so much!

It’s a definite slow burn, especially in the first half as we get to know Tom and Mike, and they’re getting to know each other. The action does pick up in the second half or so, but this was very much a character driven story, and that’s what I really loved about it. Yes, the mystery and suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, but I was all about Tom and Mike, and their relationship.

Everything tied together so well, I really didn’t want the story to end- I could have listened for another 19 hours.

And yes, a large part of that is due to the impeccable narration of Mr. Joel Leslie. He really is one of the best out there. He had a lot of characters to give voice to in this book and he nailed them all. Joel is so great when it comes to showing the more vulnerable sides of a character, he never fails to make me cry!

This was my first Tal Bauer book, but it will not be my last, not by a long shot.

***Borrowed through Audible Escape.