I am a big fan of this series, it’s my favorite from this author. I’m a sucker for nerdy characters and they are unique and surprising. The whole series has just been fun. I love Lewis’ and the way that Jason just loves him as he is. Also the situation with the TV show could very well happen and executives need to start thinking of the impact that they can have on people not just the bottom line. I like Joel Leslie as a narrator BUT I did think that he was off his game a little with this one. I didn’t think he had Lewis nailed until chapter 5, as before then he sounded more like Edward and it was like Joel realized that he would have to voice characters from all the previous books and that Lewis needed to be a little more young and less pretentious. I’m glad for the change because I was a little put off at first, but I still loved the story so I was still going to finish it. And seriously, I hope they kept the mice!