I read it on kindle at least 3 times. Kept checking for the audio and bam! Its here and just as good listening it as it was reading it with my eyes. The author was the right voice for me. He didnt do too much, or too little. Stayed in his range and did his job.

This book is very different from lots of books I’ve read in this genre, let alone ones that bring the “game world” to earth. Let alone have the MC have the type of class he does. To me, its so unique and all I could think while reading was… what else can he do with it? How far will he take this? Will he be the only one and for how long? How does this effect the community? Can his class be used during combat? Are they going to travel further out what does that look like? When they travel… will this book then begin to look like the other? I wanna know. And that in itself allows me to wait on book 2, to see what will happen.