“Music was a part of my soul, something I would never give up, but I needed to believe I was here for something more.”

What an amazing start to a new series!!! I really tried hard to savor this, but I devoured it!! I’m in love with all things Eva and Rafe!!! The emotions in this…I’m not even sure where to start.

 “Maybe there’s a reason you’re both here, at this exact same time. Maybe he’s supposed to help you heal.”

Eva has already been through so much. Her best friend, Molly, is her biggest cheerleader and partner in crime. We ALL need a friend like her. Someone who loves us unconditionally and can kick us in butt when we need it.

“Rafe Hunter had swept into my life and obliterated all my walls.”

Rafe is the bassist for the rock band, Black Hearts, and OMG I think I’m in love ?. Since this just the prelude of what’s to come, we don’t have alllll the things Rafe yet. But I’m dying to know more about him and the band. They have secrets, but who doesn’t?

“This isn’t the end, Eva,” “It can’t be the end.”

My heart wants these two together. It won’t take NO for an answer. They are a match made in heaven. I can’t wait to see what the author has in store for us with this series!

Sarah Puckett was fantastic!!! She is the perfect Eva!!!
