I don’t normally care to leave a review for anything, but when I scroll through these, see all of the negative reviews at the top and they are all absolutely ridiculous… I feel like the author deserves more love (even if it’s already obvious that the negativity is a minority take.)

If you need nonstop punching to keep something from being “filler” then you just have what my friend calls “goblin brain”.
That’s fine. Seriously.
There’s nothing wrong with preferring books, movies and games with nonstop action over story and character building, but calling it all “filler” is really frustrating to me.

And if it’s not goblin brain that you’ve got and you’re complaining about “filler”… then you’re just a troll.

TurtleMe DOES slow down scenes more than I am used it and DOES include many scenes that are not directly furthering the core narrative… but this is a feature, not a bug.

I am envious of how his writing makes the world feel real, and draws out a connection from the audience to the characters.
When there is loss, I understand the pain because I was there as the relationship developed. That kind of experience can’t exist if the author only cares to get to the next fight scene as quickly as possible.

I write this because the worst thing that TurtleMe could do is listen to the hate. It would leave these books as a shell of what they are.