We are told that advancement is hard and needs to be earned…then we sit back as someone jumps two realms or is given advancement without any work of there own. 1k greater essence is a fortune..but oh wait someone got just got 100 celestial essence..next time rewards are give we are getting 10k celestial..wait now 10 internal followed by 5k.. this is the major issue with this series. The author is a hypocrite saying one thing then having his characters break his rules when ever it is needed for convenience. We can’t have main character get to far away from his followers so just give them free advancements. 20-30 min character pages bah. Then right after our charter page the same character advances and half there skills change before they are ever used. Power without skill is pretty much the definition of this series. I really wish they would just stick with the story and screw useless upgrades for a few books