I finished this audio this morning- oh the emotions were just as strong as I remember when I read this book 4 years ago. This was my first Joel Leslie audio. His narration and accents were perfect! Theo and James have such a powerful love story!
This was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! It had such a range of emotions- it was sexy, hot, sad, depressing, hopeful with a strong dose of love.
I wish I was more eloquent and could write this review with the justice it deserves! James comes across as an arrogant ass in the beginning. Theo questions himself wondering why in the hell he’s attracted to someone like James. We find out all the different facets of James and how he struggles on a daily basis to keep his life from crumbling.
I don’t want to give too much away because you need to read this baby and savor it. It’s such an emotional read but is so worth it!!
James realizes how much he needs Theo. Theo is so patient, God help him, and is willing to fight for James…. No matter what. Damn I loved this story!