The story has a lot of potential but there is a strong mismatch between the overall story and the tone. The tone is more along your usual action style LitRPG but unfortunately the game/story is darkest dungeon. This book would be much better as an horror story. Within the first few chapters the main character is killed, mindraped, sexually assaulted and subject to body horror. But the reaction is always whatever its just a game. Such a missed opportunity for character development. Another example is the threat of mindloss which is weird as the character reacts as if his emotional mind is already gone. It would have been great to see this stoic reaction with character much deeper into the game-world. The last weird element of the story is its weird gender dynamics. The author seems to believe females can mind mind control men by their hip movements. I get the main is supposed to be a hormonal teenager but this is plainly ludicrous.

As far as the story goes there is a lot to like here , many fresh ideas and clever twists but most is overshadowed by the weird motivational meandering of the main character.

Performance is great.