There are some good things in this series. The world building is interesting ish, most of the main characters are pleasant ish, there are some fun dialogueand character interaction throughout, the magic system is slightly altered version of the classic sword cultivation concept, and theres an oddly tacked on scifi extradimensional angelic law enforcer subplot if you’re interested in that it could be a bonus

Unfortunately there is so much to dislike about this series at the same time. First anyone who isn’t a main character or isn’t irrevocably aligned with the main characters are completely unmitigated psychotic capital A A**holes. It’s pretty much impossible to imagine societies manage to continue to function under the circumstances we see here and it just get crazier and more ridiculous as the series continues.

In this first book the magic system is kinda interesting and creative but as the series continues we lose all the creativity and it essentially just turns into ranom fireball made up of sword shapes or acid drops or whatever.

All the combat later on feels like, I throw wave after wave of my uniquely shaped essence against wave after wave of your similarly uniquely shaped essence, one of us wins.

The story gets pretty repetitive for several books the story goes like this, Lindon is weak he gets tormented until he gets lucky and becomes more powerful he goes to a new place where he is weak he gets tomented by people because he is weak until he gets lucky and becomes strong then moves to a new place where he is weak… etc

We randomly interrupt this regular part of the review to explain exposition that you weren’t actually interested… I am the laziest narrative device possible but if i drop it in boldly like it’s a feature maybe the reader won’t realize that. Suggested topic: authors that think you are stupid, Denied.

Incase you didn’t get that joke throughout the series there will just randomly be an exposition dump, read to you in a slightly robotic sounding voice. as if someone off screen just asked a robot to list boring facts about some person or event that is about to show up or happen.

Then there is the angelic time cop thing which just feels like it was pulled out some other light novel a crammed into a cultivation story cause neither book series was going to be enough pages on their own.

Now i like cultivation lit and light novels, and this series is just good enough to listen to if you get it on sale and find yourself with some free time.