It was super annoying that everytime some sort of plot device would happen and instead of focusing on it at all, it’s done in the background and you’re just sorta told about it after. Really feels like this book was too lazy to deliver the details to make this fun or involve the reader in plot heavy moments which made everything real sort of detached and hard to enjoy the results of anything significant.

Nearly the entire book is explaining instead of being able to be there to experience whats going on.

The romance even feels so lazy too, you really just don’t get ANY chemistry at all between the two love interests. Honestly the romance subplot could have been skipped completly and it’d hardly be noticed at all. The short and brief spicy scenes were hardly worth it too.

The spicy scenes were VERY brief and always felt very straight to the point, hookup, wash/rinse and we are done, now time to get back to the plot and completly brush aside what just happened. Wow did it always feel sorta cringey because a scene like that is just not at all enjoyable and makes the romance plot feel very superficial.

I honestly don’t know anything about the two romantic main characters background. They felt too under developed and didn’t really feel like living and breathing characters. I have no idea what the characters see in eachother romantically either because all I really feel like is getting delivered is physical attraction and those short spicy scenes.

I finished this ENTIRE book and I dont think at any point was the love interest ever talked to in a way that you got to know about them, know about their emotional state or what they even enjoy in life other then organizing stuff. The only thing I know about them and that is talked about is that they are attractive. What’s funny about that is, I barely even know what this character even looks like. Attractiveness is their only trait and barely anytime is spent even going over why he is attractive other then he’s big, muscled and has horns.

Only thing that kept this book together for me was some of the light humor and world building. I found the world build elements to be cute, a bit small scope and nearly all focused on a office environment, but still entertaining.

The overarching plot was a big miss for me though. This book would do time skips way too often so the underdeveloped relationships just didn’t feel natural and the plot moments constantly got glazed over. I only ever felt involved in the plot was towards the end of the book when you actually get to follow along with what’s happening instead of just told. Unfortunately by that time I sorta didn’t care. I didn’t get to experience a lot of the plot because it was skipped in favor of the narrator giving a synopsis so i didn’t really feel any tension when you’re so uninvolved.

Overall, at least i managed to finish it. I didn’t enjoy myself the majority of the time though and honestly was so frustrated how little work went into this romance sub plot. That could have been fun dynamically but no chemistry was written in and the characters would be seperated and barely care about it for like 90% of the book.