While Jeffrey L. Kohanek’s prose continues to be very good, this last book of the series seemed rushed and contained several sections that were head-scratchers. One where a MC wizard after having endured slights and betrayals their entire life goes into known confrontational meeting with another wizard without security and not only doesn’t raise a shield but allows themself to leave their back open for attack.. The whole plot-arc between Jace, Narine and the female Order of Sol operative was so simplistic as to be uninteresting. The last bit of disappointment was the lame way the author decided to end the story. In one case, a MC queen decided on marrying her lover but only give her to-be-hubby the title of prince instead of king. You know, the way royalty marriages works … no where ever! The other MCs also had the females in the dominant role. As I stated, it was lame.

Even so, the author had did a good job of completing the series and tying-up most loose ends so it’s worth the credit if you’ve invested and enjoyed the previous books as I had.