Usually I am all in for a good end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it novel as this generally provides a good field for an analysis of how people might react, given extraordinary circumstances. I do not read Zombie books as they are generally nothing but a sequence of violent episodes as people try to survive by killing the already dead, but I have been reading books like Lucifer’s Hammer and When Worlds Collide all the way back to when I was a young teenager and have kept that up with newer books like One Second After.

What bothered me about this particular book is how paranoid everyone seemed. I was just not able to suspend belief enough to accept that someone would be arrested and thrown in jail for some of the things that happen at the start of this book, and the book completely lost me when people started blaming the Illuminati. I never made it past the first 1 or 2 hours, so perhaps it gets better, but I suspect I will never know.

On the positive side the narration is quite good.