I purchased and rated this back in 2015 which was before I realized that providing a review afforded me a somewhat reliable way to latter recall my reasons for the rating. So it happened that I recently came upon this rating and found that I couldn’t recall why, exactly, I had given it a 4 star rating. So, after listening to it again, I now wonder why I had NOT given it a 5 star rating, it was so good. The only thing that comes to mind is that during my listening history I had gone through a period where I was trying to not give 5 stars out for anything that was not exemplar. I’ve since come to realize that if a book provided ample entertainment value or if it was profoundly poignant then that is worth a 5 star review. This book falls clearly in the entertainment category and, at times poignant as well.
M.R. Forbes created a dark novel in Dead of Night but used just enough sarcasm, snark and outrageousness to keep me wanting to finish each chapter as soon as I began it. He created a MC who is pitiful and pitiable and did so with excellent backstory character development. There are also several gruesome and poignant moments along the way.
Jeff Hays makes the telling of this story a wonderful listening experience.
So, to make up for my misguided earlier rating attitude, I have belatedly given this book a deserved 5yb5by5 star rating.