The team of author Franklin Horton and apocalyptic extraordinaire narrator Kevin Pierce have led me quite willingly through the “Borrowed World” series with Jim Powell to the “Mad Mick” series to this first of the”Way of Dan” Burning Down Boise…WoW!! I’ve already purchased the next 2 books on Audible. Going to have to buy everything Horton-Pierce does on CDs for my physical library.🥰 Dan Slaughter isn’t a prepper, he’s just a physical manifestation of Hank Williams Jr’s “Long Haired Country Boy”. Middle-aged, widowed, with grown children, he leaves Tennessee to come to Boise, Idaho to clean up his best friend Carl’s house for his fragile mother after Carl dies suddenly. While he’s there he finds out everything about his friend’s death isn’t so cut&dried. Then a solar flare hits…North Korea uses the timing to launch an EMP and Dan’s life takes some unexpected turns, Horton-style. Excited to start the next one.
Review from Burning Down Boise →