(I was gifted a copy of this book and I have chosen to leave my honest review.)

This was my second time reading this book. But, the first time listening to it on audio.

First, let me talk about the audio. This narrator is really, really good. Her voice is so soothing, and her accents are perfect, and her male/female tones are perfect. And I think that the author hit it out of the park when she chose this narrator.

As far as the story, I have reviewed this here before but then I had that slight (massive) mishap where all of my reviews were deleted. So let me reiterate.

I enjoyed this book even more the second time around. I found the world building in this story to be amazing. The author was able to create these societies, this world, and make it absolutely believable. And while the terminology takes a minute to get used to it ends up flowing really well.

Trigger warning: Love triangle. 😆 Okay, it’s not really a trigger but, oh my goodness. I can’t cope. I have thoughts, and I have feelings, and I have opinions. And I know, I just know the author is going to rip my heart out. I know my ship is going to sink. But, honestly that is one of the things that is so great about this book. The level of emotional response it draws from me. Was I driving down the road yelling at the author? Maybe. Why? You’ll have to read and find out.