Heads up this is LitRPG posing as a super hero book. There are stats on characters, points are used on upgrades, and there is no cap on power if he “grinds” enough.

I’ve listened to quite of a few LitRPGs, so the genre itself doesn’t bother me but there is a lot of lazy writing in this. Very little character development or back story, protaganist gains a LOT of power with very little effort or hardship, and when there is conflict (a fight) its very quickly resolved by his power to basically do anything. The most entertaining character (and prominent) is a very unintelligent female that is obsessed with him. There are strong female characters but they are kinda just barely touched upon.

Its a mildly entertaining book if you just want something akin to a Bruckheimer movie, but it is a super male fantasy with nobody gaining power, wealth and (slave) women very quickly.

Won’t be a return, but prob one and done for me.