If somebody would describe the subject matter of this book to me, or some of the scenarios that play out in the book, I would dismiss the content as immature garbage and run in the opposite direction. Thankfully, audible.com simply refused to take the first book off my list of recommendations, and I finally got tired enough of looking at the cover to try it out just to demonstrate for myself how absurd audible’s notion that I might enjoy this title really was.

Like quality batch of crack cocaine, I knew I was hopelessly addicted, right out of the gate, but I didn’t care and convinced myself that nothing this good could actually be bad for me. I went through book after book, enjoying the bender, while it lasted and ignoring the reality that the end would need to come. As the hours counted down on the butchers masquerade, for the first time I started fearing life without Carl and doughnut, and as the book ended, I experienced the true horror of withdrawals – an experience that only hard-core addicts and Matt Dinniman fans could relate to. Thankfully, I have a supportive family at home, and true to their word, they saw me through those hard days filled with emotional pain, tears, and incoherent ramblings about bodiless sex doll heads, and eventually, I came out the other side.

Months past, life returned to something resembling normal, and as much as I enjoyed that normalcy, I somehow still held a warm place in my heart for those days where I was in the depths of my Dinniman addiction. Then, without warning, while just browsing the Audible store, I saw the box cover and before even knowing the title, I knew I was in for round two. In the end, perhaps it will cost me my family, but dammit, I think it was worth it. Thanks Matt! Thanks a lot! I just hope you’re a responsible author and take care of hopeless addicts you’ve created (read: do the opposite of George RR Martin).