so I’m loving the story and will continue to finish it. but I’m 10 hrs into it and it’s getting worse… which is why the 4 stars… just for the stat readings… it’s not as bad as the last book I picked up but holy cow… every “new side character” that got a chapter had their stats read, all abilities all numbers ECT… it just breaks the flow of the story… I don’t really need to know what you came up with for “greater aim” ability or lightning dash… I kinda get what is implied. that flavor text is nice sometimes on new items but not it’s not needed every time we get a new character or a character levels up… seriously a ship captain chapter came up titled interlude… and after an awesome display of power the main character says “I wonder what abilities I used?” REALLY! you’re an elite character super high level and you don’t know… but let’s read EVERYTHING… stats, flavor text to abilities, their first pets name and street they grew up on ..

THE STORY IS LONG ENOUGH AS IT IS, let me enjoy the story without a commercial break… it was 16 minutes long… and pissed me off so bad I came to write this review.

as for the story great! I’m loving it.
as for the narrator… a little bummed on the mispronouncing of Japanese words. specifically kagehime (his sword) but have no other complaints.

Getting more of Riyun’s back story was brutal… why he seemed to be the villain as portrayed from book 1… I’m loving it. digging the possible redemption ark and whatever confrontation he has with Zack later in the series.

obviously categorizing them is tough but if you haven’t read book 1 go enjoy…
but I’d say essentially a lawful neutral power leveling paladin (guy just wants to protect the weak and be strong enough to do so) and a chaotic neutral autistic power leveling murder hobo (my rules are all that matters. grow stronger on your own… I don’t care what rules I break if I think they are dumb)